The Chinese calendar is based on the traditional Chinese calendar.
The lunar calendar is based on the winter solistics. New Year's Day falls on the day of the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice. China has celebrated its New Year's Day between January 21st and February 29th for thousands of years.
The traditional Chinese calendar began in 2637 before ours and is therefore the oldest historiography in the world.
Our Chinese calendar is not only a useful tool to calculate auspicious days, but also to find out the energies of the year. Each Chinese year is associated with one of twelve animal signs, such as dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey and rooster. A legend says that Buddha called the animals of the world to teach them the Buddhist teachings. The twelve animals that answered his call thus became the animal signs of the Chinese calendar.
Feng Shui tip:
Feng Shui professionals use our calendar to plan renovations and to take into account the annual influences of the year on the home and grounds. The Chinese calendar is also used to analyze birth dates down to the hour and to give clients life path guidance.
Calendar large: 13 x 18.5 cm
Calendar medium: 10.5 x 14 cm